Who's going to the Romantic Times convention?
Good evening, all. I'm preparing to go to the Romantic Times Booklovers' Convention in Houston at the end of the month. In fact, I'm printing out my business cards right now. I hope to meet as many readers as possible while I'm there. I have some giveaways I hope you'll enjoy and will be on one of the vampire panels. Of course, I'll also be signing both books at the book signing. So if there's anybody out there reading this who plans to be there, be sure and introduce yourself. I'll probably be wearing my "Do you know Jack?" pin. And if you tell me you've been to this site, I'll give you a special giveaway that won't be on the handout table--as long as they last, that is.
So, who's going to be there? Anyone? Anyone?
So, who's going to be there? Anyone? Anyone?